
Interactive Melody Explorations #music #audiovisual #web #javascript #p5js #ml5js #tonejs #itp #the-code-of-music #featured

Mar 06, 2024

For this series, I wanted to create a simple interface for “drawing” melodies on the screen. I started with a mouse interaction where clicking and dragging the mouse drew a sequence of linked nodes along the path of the cursor movement. It worked much like how you would expect any drawing app to work. The melody would start playing as soon as you release your mouse. The nodes were sequentially highlighted as their corresponding notes were played.

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Node-Based Interactive Music #music #audiovisual #web #javascript #p5js #tonejs #itp #the-code-of-music

Feb 07, 2024

While we were exchanging ideas of what we could do with Tone.js and p5.js, Henry Chen came up with this idea of a node-based system for interacting with music in a virtual 3D environment, in which moving one node could simultaneously affect multiple other nodes that affect the music. We agreed that creating a 2D version first could serve as a very good starting point.

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